3 tips to survive Christmas!

life events

If this is the most stressful time of year for you and there are more meltdowns per day than usual – the good news is you are not alone, and the best news is that that are loads of strategies to help!


These are tried and tested!

It is well worth tuning into your own sensory thumbprint at this time and learning year by year what works for you and what doesn’t. Three years from now you could so look forward to Christmas :). (No, i’m not joking!!) 


Top three tips: 

1) To start with, take the pressure off yourself feeling you have to do what everyone else does!

2) At the start of December, work out in advance how many social interactions you think you will be able to cope with in a day, stick to it and plan ahead where you can but communicate lovingly to all around when you are coming up to your optimum number and make a sharp exit!!

3) Make sure you schedule in more exercise time (for healthy proprioceptive input to keep as regulated as possible), quiet times (switching off the lights, sounds, hustle and bustle), and have a place to retreat to if necessary.  


The Sensory Super System has many more tips to make this year’s celebrations that bit better than last year if you'd like to join us!

Here’s to your sensory health – Santé! x


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